Friday, December 04, 2009

Kyle 3 Months




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Little tid bits about Kyle...

*Yu snort when you is don't "cry-cry" unless hurt (most of the time by his brother).

*You smile, but not tons. You are content, you coo and are so lovable.

*Sleep Pattern: Bed at 10:30, up at 5 to eat, up at 7:00am, nap at 9 for an hour and then again at 12:30 and 5:30ish. Has been sleeping in the bassinet next to our bed. Last few nights in the bassinet in his room. Next to his crib.

*Andrew likes to sing to you, put objects in front of you so you can see them, jump over you (That calls for a spanking and time-out). He used to like to hold you, but not much any more. He does share his truck blanket with you (it is actually yours from Grandma Schlict, but Andrew now says it is his).

*You look like your Mommy when she was little

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