Well if you are, you need to head to the Peterson's house. Yet, by that time, Ryan may have eaten the whole thing. (I had to hind the Halloween candy from my kid of a husband...it's a little harder to hide cheesecake). Anyways, I am on this Fall cooking kick. Yep, the chili will be stewing this weekend, the pumpkin seed roasting and the chex-mix will be enjoyed while we are at the Wisconsin vs Illinois Football game. So indeed, we are enjoying autumn in St. Louis. Get this - we brewed our first pot of coffee, just like Starbucks! (we had to add a little Baileys to make it taste better!)
On a very different note, I am watching ER...good stuff, yet it's very interesting how death is portrayed. It's like at one mintue they are alive and talking and then next minute they aren't. Now, keep in mind, this is coming from a Hospice Nurse who has been at the bedside of many deaths. I won't go into detail (honestly it's not a bad thing, I just now that it is a sensitive subject) yet, it just isn't like that. Ok, I am done. Well, maybe not...Aimee Cima knows that we can talk medical all day long, but honestly, I am always up for a talk or to spread some of my hospice knowledge. Can you believe that I wrote more about death than fall...obviously it's on my mind. Grandma Zeman passed 7 years ago...wow, I can't believe it. And please keep Jenni and Chris in your prayers for Chris' Grandfather who passed. It's a blessing to know God's promise of everlasting life. Aren't I a good vicars wife?