Saturday, November 18, 2006

We are Thankful on Thanksgiving Day

We did not travel to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving and we missed celebrating with our extended families, yet we still got to eat turkey and I didn't even have to cook.

On Wednesday we attended Thanksgiving service and enjoyed a romantic dinner. On Thanksgiving day we enjoyed our day going spinning (at the YMCA), going on a 3 mile hike along the river (beautiful day, maybe 65 degrees), raking leaves, fertilizing the grass (of course, that's what everyone does on Thanksgiving day) and then spent the afternoon and evening with the Winsborough family. Bruce is an exceptional, gourmet cook and we had the priviledge to consume the food. The food was scrumptious and the company was splendid.

Wow, another year that I didn't need to cook. Maybe it's a challenge to see how many years I can go before stuffing my own turkey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your challenge of seeing how many years you can escape the dreaded turkey stuff must come from me your mommy.
Remember the sign on my oven?
"No Turkeys Allowed"