Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Andrew

Andrew, you are so fun to be around! You are running (you walked at 9 1/2 months), exploring every think and you love to tease us. Our favorite is when you run to give us a hug and then do a U-turn right before you get there. You open all of the cabinets over and over (love open and close games). We call you our "little stinker" and "buddy." You run to Daddy to give him a hug when he comes home from work which he adores!

You "dance" to music, clap your hands, blow kisses (really new), give "high-fives," do "so big" and wave good bye. Your sign language comes and goes, and right now a clap means "more", a pound on the head with your hand means "food," and you know how to sign for milk. (I stopped breastfeeding you about a month ago because Daddy and I were going on vacation. I miss it a lot. You are spoiled with a formula milk shake including a banana). You say "mama, dada, and nana" (food). You listen very well at times and other times you give us a cute grin and test your limits. If you do not want something you swat it away or once we give it to you you throw it (we did not teach you this!). Recently you are throwing "little tantrum" (crying, arching back and kicking feet) when you do not get what you want (or when we take away what you shouldn't have been playing with). You are easily distracted but a smart little man who tries to find that thing again.

Your favorite things: Giving rasberries on Mama's tummy (when I lay on the ground you lift up my shirt and give rasberries, it is hillarious); The Itsy Bitsy Spider; "If you are happy and you know it" (you clap); give open mouth/wet kisses (even to little kids you know or don't know); Mom's soup laddle; Mom's broom; pots and pans; your castle (and princess); little tykes car; a ball (you can roll/throw it back and forth); the hose; a bucket of water; swimming (75% of the time); baths; swings; puppies and being out doors. You also love the remote control and our cell phones (you hold up to your ear), and you cry when we take them away. You love other little kids but ones that are older and you can follow around. Babies think you are a little brute because you poke their eyes and pull their hair. You are working on being gentle. You only sit still for about 1 minute when reading to you, but we sometimes find you flipping through a book by yourself. You play well by yourself, unless you are tired and then you are at our feet and winey.

You are not fond of: Diaper changes (very squirmy), getting your nose blowed, sitting in the car (you need "your" music played, otherwise you cry often)and nap time (since Mom and Dad got back from vacation you are fighting nap time and then you get over tired).

You are Mama's little boy and Dada's too! We still look at eachother and can't believe that you are ours. You amaze us daily and couldn't be more in love with you. We are so proud of you! Happy First Birthday to our baby boy!


Brian & Erin said...

Happy Birthday Andrew! :)

SarahHub said...

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Andrew!
Happy birthday to you!

May Jesus bless you!
May Jesus bless you!
May Je-sus bless you,
The whole year through!

Can't wait to celebrate with you on the 10th!

Anonymous said...

Andrew is no longer a baby, but looks like a little boy! Happy First Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Andrew!

the unseths said...

Your little man is SO handsome! Happy one year of being parents!