Lots of growth this past month for Andrew.We did our first "art project" and he helped me cook for the first time. Here are just a few of Andrew's new stunts....
*Says duck and dog when asked to repeat
*Points to his nose when asked
*Points like we do when showing him something
*Shares food by putting food into our mouths
*Can stack 3 large blocks, but tears down more than builds still
*Puts blocks back into the container, not just out
*Knows how to turn on the music on his stereo (and how to turn it off)
*When asked will pick up an object and bring it to us
*When his shoe falls off, he picks it up and brings it to us so we can put it back on
*Gives open mouth kisses to us and friends voluntarily. Hugs and kisses upon request
*When hears an airplane or I say airplane he points up and looks for it in the sky
*He sits and "reads" a book by himself out loud
*Puts his sippy cup in the correct whole on his tray (when asked). Otherwise he throws it on the ground.
*Uses a spoon (pretty messy)
*Kisses this buddy Eddie and other stuff animals before bed (so CUTE)
*Swings arms and claps hands, or bends knees or brings arms up and down to dance anytime he hears music.
*Continues to love to imitate mom and dad...loves the swifter, vaccume cleaner, toy car and telephone that he puts by his ear.
*After eating, when given a wash cloth will wipe his tray.
*Uses a crayon...only faint markings on paper.
*Loves magnets on the fridge and puts the farm animals in the right spot 50% of the time (leap frog animal farm game that is magnetic).
*Plays along side other kids mostly...not too interactive yet. Doesn't understand sharing or possession at this age
*Just starting to be a little shy (at times), having stranger anxiety (not terrible yet) and is a mommy's boy especially when he doesn't feel well he is teething right now...just got his 7th tooth) or when hungry.
What a joy he is most of the time. The other 10% he is a handful and starting to make his requests/wants known by fussing, or refusing. He actually throws his head back, lies on the ground and kicks his feet. It sure must be frustrating not to be able to express in words what he wants. We will keep working with you little guy. We love you so much!
1 comment:
He is precious! Loved the art project. Make sure you save it forever!
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