Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Should I laugh or cry?

I am laughing...

Oh, the life of a young mom! So, Andrew wakes up from his nap yesterday with a bright red butt and just screaming. So the diaper comes off so he can "air out" for a little. He doesn't want to be put down (I am holding him with his little butt sticking out). I finally give him some Tylenol (his one year molar is almost in...could it be the cause of his red butt?)and meanwhile I am making a meal because Ryan's whole next generation team is coming over for lunch on Tuesday. The counters are full of supplies to make homemade soup, pumpkin bread, chicken salad sandwiches and a dessert. The oven is on, the stove is on and I am holding Andrew who is naked. He decides that that was a good time to pee all over me, him and the floor. I stood there and just grinned...I know that some people out there miss having little kids and for that, this story is for you. Then I open the freezer and everything is dripping. The ice cream, the ice....yep, it is broke. I ask the dear Lord for a little help. Andrew goes to the neighbor for 1/2, I clean out the whole freezer and kitchen, Andrew come back home (oh, he cried the entire time he was at the neighbors), and then the best is that Andrew and I just started to giggle and make each other laugh. The whole day was worth those 10 minutes. It just reminded me that life is too short not to laugh at a situation like this.

So, Ryan had a long day (6 am to 10pm)-the house is clean (except for the 3 loads of laundry that have been cleaned but not folded) he sits on the couch and says "How was your day?" I just grinned.

This morning the refig. broke too...bummer. We are currently living out of 3 of our neighbors refriges and a small cooler. Happy hunting for a new fridge.


Anonymous said...


Our freezer went out yesterday, too, so I totally empathize. What a bad coincidence!

I hope the lunch went okay without refrigeration.

Cute photos of the play date!

SarahHub said...

Oh, no! This happened to us in January, but we didn't have a lunch planned the next day!

I'm proud of you for laughing - I probably would have cried...

From Evie: a'9 ,8 kkvb6 rtmh

Anonymous said...

We love your attitude!!!