Thursday, January 28, 2010

Celebrating 2 1/2 Years of Life


You are still our "baby Andrew" because that is what you want to be called instead of "big boy Andrew." You make us laugh so hard, often and forever by what you do and say. We love the little boy that you are becoming and we continue to pray that we would be the parents you need us to be in order to raise you to love others, love God, be self reliant, to respect others, to honor your Mommy and Daddy...oh the list goes on. You are on your way little one.

We are so proud of your manners, and how you play with Kyle lately. Thank you for being Mama's little helper in the kitchen/laundry/sweeping, Daddy's little helper with painting/tools (by the way, you are obsessed with screwdrivers and everything needs fixing around the house according to you...some days that is all you do...fix things).

You are also a great love to stand on stage (typically on the fireplace) while you preach (just like daddy with your microphone) or sing (mostly the song from family live...Let's get started having a party, praising the name of Jesus!). Although you have lots of energy, you can also be very sweet to Kyle (who has recently loves to watch everything you do and thinks you are amusing to watch). You have recently enjoyed holding him again and you think it is funny when he lightly hits you in the face with his uncontrollable hand.

Mac is Back! After Kyle was born Mac wasn't seen for awhile. Now Mac goes everywhere with you (except in to stores because he has to guard the car). Oh, by the way, you love trucks and ask lots of questions about firemen and where they sleep etc. If I can't get you to do something I tell you that the firemen like to "bring their dish to the sink," and then you typically do it.

You still get time-outs for being naughty; spankings too and if you hurt your brother you get a "bare-butt spanking." It is cute when you look at me and say "is it going to be a bare-butt spanking?" You are learning though that being in trouble means that privileges are taken away.

You absolutely love to cuddle! You are our cuddle-bug. Mommy and you cuddle every morning after you drink your milk (Kyle too). You say "Let's cuddle and get warm and cozy." You love to wrestle with Daddy and you are becoming a "daddy's boy," which someone said is so healthy and which means that you have a healthy male roll model in your life. You are so blessed!

You never had a 2 year appointment, so you went when you were 2 1/2. We made it so special for you and you were so darling. You made a couple funny faces (squinted your eyes and scrunched your nose) when Dr. Bayer asked you questions, but then answered the other questions correctly. We had practiced saying "Hi, Dr. Bear," and when she walked in you said "Hi, Dr. Lion...that is silly," and laughed. You have a great sense of humor.

The MD said your vocabulary is like a 3 year old (because you use present and past tenses and also plurals), and that we should start reading your books that are for 5 year old. You know your main colors (red, yellow, blue, and is your favorite) 95% of the time. You can almost count to 20 by yourself. You know the song for the days of the week. You love to read and will sit for 30 minutes plus reading the book. You like to read the same book over and over because you are memorizing them. You can probably read (with a little help) 10 books...or if I leave words out, you fill in the correct word. Keep up the good work.

You can play independently, but we taught you to ask other to join you say "mommy will you join me and play with me?" You play at the "YMC" (you never say the A) in the area and sometimes in the gym (a little overwhelming for you sometimes with all the kids screaming and running). We typically do errands on Monday, to story time at Borders on Tuesdays, to the YMCA on Wednesday mornings (Mommy has a class), Thursdays Daddy is off and Fridays anything and sometimes Mommy works. Then you go to the babysitters (Ms. Robins) are the only kids and Zack plays with you in the afternoon when you get up from your nap. She never has any problems with you. There are so many activities in the community to keep us busy.

You go to bed between 9 and 9:30 (you read books to yourself right before bed), up around 6:15 and then take a 3 hour nap in the afternoon.

Your weight: 36 lbs (95%)
Height: 37.25" (75%)

On your 1/2 birthday you asked if we were going to have a party and a cake. Instead we made cupcakes and took you out to lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. You like buffets as much as your mommy and daddy. :) You are a good eater...fruit, veggies, salad, and of course your love sweets/candy.


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Babka and Poppy made you the following poem...

Andrew Timothy is 2 and a ½
We love to hear you giggle and laugh
Your chubby cheeks are fading away
But your lovable smile is here to stay

Open your present from us to you
It’s a fluffy penguin with cookies too
Put on your party hat and shout hooray
cuz it’s Andrew’s ½ a birthday today!

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