Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dunked in the Creek

We took a day trip to Pickle Creek today. It was beautiful weather; just right for a hike. If you have never gone there it is a fun day trip.

Andrew had a little water occurrence today. He was squatting on a stump, while holding a stick that he was swirling in the water. It was a creek that led into a pool of water, 1 to 3 feet deep. Well, he fell in...his whole body, clothes and all into the cold creek water...drenched. He landed on his belly and luckily his head was above water. I was across the way and all I could see was the helplessness in his eyes. Ryan ran over and pulled him out. He was shivering and started to cry because he was scared. I had dressed in layers (shirt and pants). We took off all his wet clothes (meanwhile a stranger who was hiking is holding Kyle), dried him off with Ryan's layered shirt and then dressed him in my clothes. Then he was good to go.

After the fact, we discussed safety around water and what happened and how happy we were that he was ok. And then he said something so darling..."WELL IN MY BIBLE, JESUS GOES IN THE WATER." What a little innocent comment. And Andrew is his kids bible there is a picture of Jesus wadding in the water. Although, I have to believe that Andrew falling in the water was a mistake.

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