Andrew is so active now. It is so fun to interact with him, but to also sit back and watch him discover and explore. We have to laugh when he wants a toy in his basket and all you can see is his little butt sticking up in the air. Yes, he has fallen in, but only a few tears were shed.
His personality:
Determined--there was a cheerio at the bottom of the car seat which was sitting on the ground and he would not play with anything else until he had that cheerio in his hand and his mouth! He will climb over medium size containers/boxes/legs or go around objects when he has his mind set on something. You can see his little brain working when he is stying to solve something.
Obeying--Well of course, he is a first child. When we say "No, Na'Na', or stop," he will stop what he is doing and look at us. Sometimes he will do it again (pull open a drawer for example) and so we will have to say NO again or remove him from the situation. Other times he will find interest in something new.
He crawls everywhere and loves when we are on our hands and knees too. We race him, or go head to head towards him and he laughs so hard. If we go into another room he will find you (For example from the living room he will find you in the bathroom)---he is a very smart boy. This is brilliant we think! He can crawl with one toy in one hand.
Andrew can pull himself into a standing position when using another object (box, couch, our legs). He cannot do it from a sitting position yet. He cruises along the furniture but only a couple steps and can go around his little frog table. While standing he can bend his knees and pick up objects on the floor. And he tends to bounce (maybe we can call it the start of dancing) while is so cute. He just started squatting (maybe once or twice so far). If he position him behind his toys with wheels he can push it! (this is new). Ryan and I have been a little apprehensive to hold his hands and encourage him to walk. But whenever anyone else is with him they do it, so we feel like we are missing out, so now we do it too.
He loves his leap frog table that makes music, the little pink lady from the castle, his blue ball, and construction rider (he is starting to push it). His favorite books are the ones that have "touch and feels" and he helps open/close the book or turn the pages. He will not always sit and read a book, he would rather be climbing/crawling/standing. But right when he wakes up is his best reading time.
When you say "High five" he will slap your hand. We are learning how to wave hello and goodbye (he has done it just a couple of times). Sign Language:
Well, I am not done writing, but I want to post it. We love our little boy as you can tell! We give thanks for the blessing that Andrew has been to us and for the way that he has grown so strong.
Yeah for 9 months! And do I see a rearranged living room there? From what I can see... looks nice! :)
Hard to believe it's been 9 months! Looks like everyone is doing well. If I pay you will you do my blog??? :)
We can across and have really enjoyed the updates. Sounds like you guys are doing great. Andrew is adorable! Continued blessings to you all.
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