Friday, April 03, 2009

Where did Andrew go?

I was at a church meeting and Ryan was with Andrew, but Andrew escaped through Ryan's office door. "Andrew!? Where are you? Andrew. Has anyone seen Andrew?" By this time all 20 of us on the church 3rd floor were looking for him.

Now as parents, we stayed pretty calm...I said a little prayer and off I was on a search for our little buddy. This was the first time he was ever "lost" (sure at home he hides in the closet or behind the door, but no where in public). The good thing was we were at church, so no "scary people." But for a little dude electrical cords are fun, water is fun etc. I know we were more scared than he was. Why he was having fun...HE PUSHED THE ELEVATOR BUTTON, GOT ON, PUSHED ANOTHER BUTTON THAT TOOK HIM TO THE BOTTOM FLOOR OF THE MISITRY CENTER WHICH IS THE STORAGE AREA! Yikes!

Ryan and I took opposite elevators while others searched for him on 3rd floor. And when the elevator door opened on the bottom floor there was one of the janitors holding Andrew who was happy as could be. Oh, little Andrew...oh so smart! But oh so little. We lecutured him about straying off, but I don't think he quite understood, I mean he is only 1. We gave him lots of hugs that day.

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