Our little Buddy loves to: Imitate everything we do. He thinks it is hilarious, and we do too until he does something that we don't think is appropriate to be imitating like plugging in the vacuum. He always has to be doing what we are doing...on the phone, computer etc, so little household tasks of sending an e-mail is challenging now. (You even have your own mouse at the computer which works, but the play cell phone is not cutting it).
He is a little bipolar--gentle, sweet, hugs, kisses, waves, grabs your hand and then Switch...pulls, hits, pushes, scratches etc. As parents we are working on disciplining (which is hard to stay consistent ALL day). We have been doing the time-outs for a couple months now (We do the time-out with him, tell him what he did was wrong/naughty and then we expect him to apologize to the person or pick up what he threw). He apologizes nicely with a hug or kiss and picks up the sippy cup but then does it again. He laughs when we spank him--and behind his back we smirk too because he is so darn cute!
Vocabulary has picked up: Hi, Bye, Mama, Daddy, Muck (milk), NO, Nana, Baba (Babka), Papa (Grandpas'), duck,baby, burr (cold out side), "I do" or "Andrew" it is hard to say which one it is. (used to say dog, down, up, but has stored those away for awhile I guess). Still uses baby sign-language for food, more, milk, all done.
Body parts: Able to point to almost every body part when asked to. Even attempts to do the actions to the song Head, shoulders, knees and toes. Loves action songs and just songs at all (if he is ever crabby in the car we have to sing...the radio just doesn't do it, he likes my beautiful voice!).
Very energetic, playful, smiley, goofy, and mischievous. Loves to climb on everything and anything including couches, ladders, kitchen chairs. We hardly have the TV on but when we do he is only starting to be interested...or for about 3 minutes and then on to something new.
Loves babies-points at them, waves, says "baby," and is pretty gentle with them. Little Andrew we have been trying for a little brother or sister for you, we just have to be patient and let it happen when God says so. You will make a great big brother someday hopefully soon.
You are becoming INDEPENDENT! Pushing our hand away so you can do it yourself. I guess that is our goal, to raise you to be an independent person, but I am glad that you still need us, because we really like that you are still little enough to need us. We love you Baby Andrew (Yes, we still call you our baby).
i think the archive you wirte is very good, but i think it will be better if you can say more..hehe,love your blog,,,
It seems my language skills need to be strengthened, because I totally can not read your information, but I think this is a good BLOG
Kristy, he is getting so big - and still cute as ever!
Are you still watching baby sign langauge videos? http://www.mindbites.com/person/84-MySmartHands
It seems my language skills need to be strengthened, because I totally can not read your information, but I think this is a good BLOG
landing net
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