Wednesday, January 28, 2009

First Family Live at St. John

Last Saturday was the 1st Family Live Service held at St. John-this service will be held the last Saturday of every month. The service is designed to be family oriented and family friendly. It is high energy, has dramas, singing, time for families to dig into the bible together, a sermon geared for kids and adults, and focused on giving/prayers/etc time. It is fully church with a little jazz. Ryan was and will be the preacher and recently highered a guy who is very talented and gifted in this area. Ryan was curious about how many people would attend and said probably 75 or so, so was pretty surprised when 225 people attended. God is good and He was fully present! It was awesome! Prayers for this ministry as it continues to change, and shape the way God wants it to be. Next FAMILY LIVE will be Saturday Feb. 28th at 5 PM. See you there!

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